The Maria Bianchi Association was born as an association of volunteers for relational assistance to the terminally ill and mourners. Over the years, the activity of assistance to mourners has developed more and more and has become our main activity.
Established in 1986 in Suzzara (MN), the association has created a section in Mantua over the years and has helped to activate other groups in Mirandola (MO) and Viadana (MN).
The association's activity is aimed at offering:
support for family and friends in the period of mourning before and after death;
raising public awareness on issues concerning terminality, pain, emotional support;
training of nursing staff, health and social workers, psychologists, volunteers, family members of the sick;
relational assistance to incurable patients.
To become volunteers of the association it is mandatory to participate in training courses on the various methodologies, training that takes place through interactive methods, of direct involvement,
with the contribution of experts.